The following professional service providers are vetted and frequently used by the Wolf Marina Cooperative Association. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to make a recommendation or if you need additional referrals.

Sam's Marine and Performance Certified Boat Mechanics 651-439-7001
Hassis Paintworks Fiberglass & Aluminum Repairs 651-786-9114
Tetzlaff Yacht Sales Yacht Sales 651-214-9463
Captain Cliff Schmidt, AMS® Marine Survey 952-472-5061
Harbor’s Edge Marine Surveying Marine Survey 651-260-3268
Afton Boat Transport Inc. Boat Transport 651-436-6892
Cross Country Boat Transport Inc. Boat Transport 651-437-2454
Maritronics Marine Electronics 651-430-3890
Marine Services Inc. Boat Cleaning & Maintenance 612-987-5510
Professional Yacht ServicesBoat Cleaning & Maintenance 612-721-7580
The Boat DoctorBoat Cleaning & Maintenance 612-436-4490
Valley Canvas Boat Covers & Tops 651-439-7065
Kraft Mechanical Marine HVAC 651-773-9000